Fusionfall art
Fusionfall art

While the McPhersons argue, it eventually attracts the rest of the Lancers. The threat hasn’t been quiet, just less active.Īnd in this time of temporary peace, DeeDee had a genius idea! The Lancers have been needed less and less, as have their various allies. Both physically and mentally, as it seems the war is just going to keep going on and on with no end in sight. And some forces are, noticeably, getting tired. The Lancers have one good work pushing it back, but the war for Earth drives ever onward. It’s been a few months into the alien invasion. I'm so bored What am I doing Why am i doing this? Powerpuff Girls Powerpuff Girls Reboot Reboot Cartonnnetwork 2016 Rant Review ? kidsarecruel Bubbles Blossom Buttercup Power Up Puff Jango: Or maybe I’m just talking out of my ass. I mean, if you guys want this show to be more character-focused, the FOCUS ON THEIR CHARACTER! Jango: I just think there was a lot this episode could’ve done better. At least then when they large meatloaf monster kicks their butts and Blossom saves the, it’d be more satisfying-even if she does get the new powers in the end. Jango: And bringing it all back to Ice Sore, they could potentially be teasing her as to sort of get back at Blossom for showing off. Jango: Of course, I can’t talk because I was laughing too. Jango: Little brats, they even caused that and they had the gall to laugh! Little sadists, I still think it was intentional. Anyway, if you’re gonna keep this as a Blossom episode, why not have her sisters tease and antagonize her all day? I mean, they’ve done it before. Jango: *Deeper Sigh* I’m not sure how ‘rare’ this trait is IRL, but I knew a lot of people who could do that. Jango: Buttercup’s special power being able to roll her tongue. This episode’s premise is also pretty similar to this one: Buttercup realizing she has no unique power-which is something that the fan base has noticed and pointed out before, so it’d be an episode people would really want. If you’re gonna keep stealing episodes, you might as well steal episodes from Season 6. You remember the episode, Nuthin’ Special? I mean, my God.

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Jango: You know….when you think about this, then this could’ve been a Buttercup episode. Jango: If you mope and whine all day, then your special skill will manifest and you’ll be just like everyone else. Jango: By living meatloaf….don’t any of you have, like, heat vision or something? Cook it! These girls get beat up a lot more than I remember….anyway, after acceptng that she doesn’t need no special powers to help her sisters, Blossom decides to join in on the fight. Jango: Oh come on, guys, this is just a reverse Ice Sore! Only, in this case, instead of Bubbles and Buttercup abusing their powers and letting a bad guy get away, they just get their asses kicked. Basically, Bubbles and Buttercup get the new powers and Blossom does not, making her feel left out.

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What I am against, HOWEVER, is the plot of the episode. Jango: This episode also introduces the girls new…Energy Manipulation Powers? Is that what we’re all gonna call it? Well, even though I don’t really like the new power-they can create fireballs, sonic screams, ice breath-did they really need more? Er anyway, I don’t like the new powers, but I’m not really against them having them. Jango: “Power Up Puff” has a pretty good start and, when compared to most of the other episodes, has the best action scenes. Jango: Okay, I know that everyone on Tumblr is still probably talking about.

Fusionfall art